
NONBINARY issue 0:

1/2 sized ⦁ 14 pages

A submissions-based zine for and by gender nonbinary people who "wish to be recognized, represented, accounted for, and safe in this society." includes a list of terms and resources, as well as content on the "problem of passing," talking about gender, a reflection of butler's idea of the sexed body, and more!

NONBINARY issue 1:

1/2 sized ⦁ 20 pages

EMBODIMENT is the telling of one's story through the body. What does it mean, feel like, or look like to be gender nonbinary in Western society?

Mx. J. Nyla is raising funds for a DIY PHD. All proceeds from this zine go to funding their PHD!

⬇️ Send them funds using the payment info listed below ⬇️

venmo: @Juvonne-McNiell

cashapp: $zoranealy

JVN identifies as an afrohispinxy s/heborg. they are an intersex, pangender radical for humxnity, as well as a poet, educator, interdisciplinary researcher, musician, skater, and zinemaker based in Long Beach, Tongva and Gabrielino land. Support JVN on Patreon.

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